ESG, an imperative concept for the present of any company and indispensable for the future. It has been present since the founding of the Royal Palm Hotels & Resorts Group, a legacy of our founder Armindo Dias, who taught us the value of management concerned with ethics, transparency and social and environmental responsibility.
For more than 10 years, we have published a balance sheet with actions in the institutional field, related to local society and the environment. Each year, we renew this commitment with consistent and respectful initiatives.Would you like to see them all? Download our report from the button below:
of employees said they were proud to work for the Royal Palm group
Featured initiatives
Complete management of
We are proud to have an important process for separating, collecting and disposing of 100% of our waste in Campinas. Recycling, composting and co-processing were the 3 main destinations given to the waste from our operation in the city.
Committees and groups for special work:
In 2023 we created the ESG committee, a group of managers responsible for creating, monitoring, publicizing and engaging our stakeholders in all projects related to sustainability, social responsibility and corporate governance.
Don't Shut Up" protocol:
Implemented even before it became compulsory,all of our enterprises applied the official communication of the SP Government, in addition to creating internal guidelines for managing this type of crisis and training 100% of employees.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
We have naturally created a rich and diverse environment. Women in leadership positions, 51% of employees declared to be black or brown, 11% declared to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community, a great diversity of religious backgrounds and more.
Qualifications and Internal training
In 2023 alone, there were almost 29,000 hours of training , including: Culture of Excellence training, meetings with unit management, among other training given in person or via the distance learning platform.
Alternative water collection via artesian wells
100% of the total volume of water consumed by the Royal Palm Tower Indaiatuba comes from its own artesian well. In addition, according to General Waters, the total volume of water consumed from the Royal Palm Plaza and Royal Palm Hall artesian wells represents a saving of 25,822m³ in the concessionaire's consumption per year.
ESG is alive. An ongoing process. A commitment! See a preview of the actions and projects underway for 2024:
Actions to care for breastfeeding mothers, crèche assistance and parenting support
The well-being of our employees is always a priority for the group. We are currently setting up special spaces for breastfeeding mothers to collect and store breast milk in all the group's hotels. This project also includes childcare assistance between the 5th and 11th months of maternity and other actions to support parenthood.
Women on Board membership
The Royal Palm Group's achievement of the WOB seal demonstrates our concern for equity. A company where men and women have the same opportunities for growth. Today, in addition to the general workforce, the majority of our management and advisory board are also women.
Decarbonization of the group's operations
The first and most important step for 2024 has already been taken. With an investment of 2 million euros, we will be updating the air conditioning system for the resort's swimming pools. We will be moving away from traditional natural gas to modern heat pumps that use electricity. This will result in a significant reduction in our carbon footprint of 425 tons per year.
Discover these and other ESG actions in the ESG Report 2024 - For 2023.
We still have a lot to do and contribute, and we are willing and ready to be part of a more sustainable and equal society. Our reports are a fundamental part of this journey, highlighting annual initiatives, catalyzing good practices for the future and transparently recognizing our legacy towards sustainable development. Download now: